Saturday, July 16, 2011

When Logic Petrified

If people you know and close to you to act strangely as well as acting out of the ordinary, you should be suspicious! If a person believes a certain ideology or doctrine and angry when something which he believed was contested, you are obliged to investigate. Because it was feared he had been influenced by or is under the influence of a person or group of people (brainwashed) and used for purposes that are not accountable.
Brainwashing is an attempt to influence a person's mind he was willing and able to do things against his will. Another term is indoctrination. According to experts psikologimotivasi Faculty of Psychology, University of Gadjah Mada, Good Riyono, brainwashing can be done with hypnosis, suggestion, creation of conditions for someone to be easily influenced, or through the learning process. Condition, a person must be unconscious and unable to control himself. And to qualify, the victim's mind must be as tired as possible with the provision of physical activity nan heavy loads or heavy thoughts. But, a tired brain can not guarantee the victim's brain washed. Humans can think back to what has been said of others depending on previous education. It will affect a person's belief structure, the way a person make sense of conviction, and the way she make sense of his actions. People who are more easily indoctrinated is the person who originally had extreme beliefs that are not open to the beliefs and way of thinking. The process of brainwashing can be done through speeches, lectures, or talk over things that give meaning and make sense of the situation and believed the role himself.
Indoctrination cause people who previously have weak bonds to have a very strong bond yan. As a result, he would do anything for the things he believed. As an example, someone who relamelakukan suicide bombing or a girl who ran away from home for the men she loved. It happened because of lack of understanding and appreciation of a thing, thinking that no trace, and lack of patience in solving the problem. Good added that the kinds of beliefs do not determine a person's extremities but his belief structure and how it interpret its role in defending the faith.

The key is the Soul and Personality

"Easy least one affected the other person does not depend on the condition of the organs of someone's brain because the form of brain anatomy everyone equally. Easy to whether a person is affected depends on the condition of his soul," says Professor of Neurology Faculty of Medicine, University of Gadjah Mada in Yogyakarta and Sardjito Hospital, Samekto Wibowo.
But the indoctrination will impact on the chemical composition changes and interfere with brain function. The composition of the brain can be used as indicators of a person's psychological condition. In addition, brain washing will remove the short-term memory of victims. While the long-term memory can also be lost depending on the size of new elements are inserted. Brainwashing is a psychological problem, which is why the settlement should be with psychological counseling. Not with drugs.
Meanwhile, according to Director of Mental Health Ministry of Health, Irmansyah, brainwashing process will not damage the organs of a person's brain. He added that the strength of one's personality determines whether or not he's easily influenced.

Educated Not Pressured!

Good Riyono argues, for it takes a tough person to bring up a good education process. Education is enlightening and without pressure, exemplary, to the communication system to those who can not tolerate a difference to rearrange the structure of beliefs.
Education in the family will affect a person's worldview. Those who are accustomed to receiving harsh upbringing (physical or mental) would likely be a tough person. Education is the process dogmatif without giving any reason for all the things that do will make people closed off from other people's opinions. inability to give any reason someone does not make logic and emotions run strong. When emotions are stronger then the logic petrified and weakened.
Communication should be done with the balanced without pressure. Pressure exerted on those who have a strong belief structure instead reinforced their belief structure. It can even lead to sympathy from those who previously rejected it hard belief structure.

4 Category Brain Waves

  • Beta (14-30 Hz) are very aware, alert, full of concentration, not sleepy, unable to control themselves
  • Alpha (8 to 13.9 Hz): relaxed, focused, unaware light (light trance), the condition before going to sleep, meditation, conscious but getting sleepy, early unconscious, the best conditions for learning
  • Theta (4 to 7.9 Hz): deep meditation, sleep "chickens", not dreaming, imagination
  • Delta (1 to 3.9 Hz): dreamless sleep, unconsciousness, loss of self-control

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