Do you know about the aurora? Aurora is a natural phenomenon of luminescence light in the sky. Usually, the aurora will be visible only at night and occur in the polar regions. Both the north pole or south pole.
Aurora's happening in the north polar region is called the Aurora Borealis or commonly known as "Northern Polar Lights". This phenomenon occurs in September to October and in March to April. Aurora Borealis seen very clearly in the Arctic Islands north of Canada. Aurora Borealis name given by Pierre Gassendi in 1621. Derived from the word "aurora" which is the name of the Goddess of Dawn in Roman mythology and "borear" (in Greek) which means "wind from the north. Provided that the Aurora Borealis looks reddish or greenish glow from the north, as if the sun will rise from there.
In the southern polar region, the aurora is called Aurora Australis. The word "australis" comes from the Latin meaning "from the south". This phenomenon is called "Southern Polar Lights" has the same nature with the Aurora Borealis. However, the Aurora Australis visible only in Antarctica and a few places in Australia and South America. Especially the closest Antarctica.
Aurora is due to the interaction between the particles of the earth's magnetic field like electrons, protons, and other heavy particles with atoms and molecules found in the earth's ionosphere layers. Atom and particle emitted by the sun and are often called "solar wind".
Aurora comes with a variety of colors and shapes. Color variations due to the influence of atoms, ions, or molecules of constituent and also influenced by the level of solar wind activity. For example, ions or molecules give nitogen pink, green, sky blue, dark blue, or violet. Purple color also comes from neutral helium. Causing oxygen atoms scatter green and red colors. Meanwhile, the bright orange color comes from the neon. Aurora often appears to form a curtain that ran east-west direction or scattering of light. Sometimes, a quiet bow-shaped. In the form of a curtain, every curtain consisting of parallel light parallel to the direction of the magnetic field lines. It was impressive that the aurora is formed by the earth's magnetic field. Aurora forms can be changed by still hanging by the magnetism of the earth.
Aurora does not only happen on earth, but also can occur on other planets such as Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Cause the same as what happened on earth.
Jupiter and Saturn have magnetic fields stronger than the earth and also has a radiation belt is greater. Aurora of the two planets are observed by the Hubble Space Telescope. Aurora on Venus appears so bright and spread with various forms and intensity, sometimes spread to all over the planet. On August 14, 2004, SPICAM on Mars Express (a space exploration mission initiated by the European Space Agency) found an aurora on Mars. Precisely at Terra Cimerria, the coordinates of longitude 177 degrees east and latitude 52 degrees south. It is estimated that the aurora has a range of up to 30 km with an altitude of 8 km. Scientists suspect that the aurora emission associated with regions where the strongest magnetic field is localized. This is obtained after studying the map changes of magnetic surface is collected by the Mars Global Surveyor.
Not only the main course on the planet. Aurora can also occur on the planet escorts (satellite). Until now, the aurora can be observed only on Io, Europa, and which is Ganymade satellites of Jupiter with the Hubble Space Telescope.
On 28 August and 2 September 1859, in the northern hemisphere, occurs aurora is most amazing, very bright and most extensive coverage. The incident was caused by large storms and the results geomagnetic be called the Aurora Storm.
By Balfour Stewart, the event was recorded by magnetografph at Kew Observatory, London. Then he published a paper to the Royal Society on 21 November 1861 which contained allegations that the aurora which occurred on 2 September 1859 is the impact of Carrintgon -Hodgson solar flare which occurred on 1 September 1859.
Besides Balfour Stewart, ship officers and newspapers in the U.S., Japan, Europe, Australia and even the aurora was also documented. As already reported one of the leading U.S. newspapers, the New York Times, that on Friday, 2 September 1859 occurred most amazing aurora can be seen very clearly from the city of Boston (USA). At the same time at Kew Observatory magnetograph noted geomagnetic storm for an hour.
Aurora's happening in the north polar region is called the Aurora Borealis or commonly known as "Northern Polar Lights". This phenomenon occurs in September to October and in March to April. Aurora Borealis seen very clearly in the Arctic Islands north of Canada. Aurora Borealis name given by Pierre Gassendi in 1621. Derived from the word "aurora" which is the name of the Goddess of Dawn in Roman mythology and "borear" (in Greek) which means "wind from the north. Provided that the Aurora Borealis looks reddish or greenish glow from the north, as if the sun will rise from there.
In the southern polar region, the aurora is called Aurora Australis. The word "australis" comes from the Latin meaning "from the south". This phenomenon is called "Southern Polar Lights" has the same nature with the Aurora Borealis. However, the Aurora Australis visible only in Antarctica and a few places in Australia and South America. Especially the closest Antarctica.
Aurora is due to the interaction between the particles of the earth's magnetic field like electrons, protons, and other heavy particles with atoms and molecules found in the earth's ionosphere layers. Atom and particle emitted by the sun and are often called "solar wind".
Aurora comes with a variety of colors and shapes. Color variations due to the influence of atoms, ions, or molecules of constituent and also influenced by the level of solar wind activity. For example, ions or molecules give nitogen pink, green, sky blue, dark blue, or violet. Purple color also comes from neutral helium. Causing oxygen atoms scatter green and red colors. Meanwhile, the bright orange color comes from the neon. Aurora often appears to form a curtain that ran east-west direction or scattering of light. Sometimes, a quiet bow-shaped. In the form of a curtain, every curtain consisting of parallel light parallel to the direction of the magnetic field lines. It was impressive that the aurora is formed by the earth's magnetic field. Aurora forms can be changed by still hanging by the magnetism of the earth.
Not only on Earth
Aurora does not only happen on earth, but also can occur on other planets such as Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Cause the same as what happened on earth.
Jupiter and Saturn have magnetic fields stronger than the earth and also has a radiation belt is greater. Aurora of the two planets are observed by the Hubble Space Telescope. Aurora on Venus appears so bright and spread with various forms and intensity, sometimes spread to all over the planet. On August 14, 2004, SPICAM on Mars Express (a space exploration mission initiated by the European Space Agency) found an aurora on Mars. Precisely at Terra Cimerria, the coordinates of longitude 177 degrees east and latitude 52 degrees south. It is estimated that the aurora has a range of up to 30 km with an altitude of 8 km. Scientists suspect that the aurora emission associated with regions where the strongest magnetic field is localized. This is obtained after studying the map changes of magnetic surface is collected by the Mars Global Surveyor.
Not only the main course on the planet. Aurora can also occur on the planet escorts (satellite). Until now, the aurora can be observed only on Io, Europa, and which is Ganymade satellites of Jupiter with the Hubble Space Telescope.
Most Amazing
On 28 August and 2 September 1859, in the northern hemisphere, occurs aurora is most amazing, very bright and most extensive coverage. The incident was caused by large storms and the results geomagnetic be called the Aurora Storm.
By Balfour Stewart, the event was recorded by magnetografph at Kew Observatory, London. Then he published a paper to the Royal Society on 21 November 1861 which contained allegations that the aurora which occurred on 2 September 1859 is the impact of Carrintgon -Hodgson solar flare which occurred on 1 September 1859.
Besides Balfour Stewart, ship officers and newspapers in the U.S., Japan, Europe, Australia and even the aurora was also documented. As already reported one of the leading U.S. newspapers, the New York Times, that on Friday, 2 September 1859 occurred most amazing aurora can be seen very clearly from the city of Boston (USA). At the same time at Kew Observatory magnetograph noted geomagnetic storm for an hour.
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