Friday, August 21, 2009


Clouds is a collection of lumpy water vapor in the sky. It is white (sometimes gray) and looks like a mounting pile of cotton. Clouds cause a decline in various kinds of rain as the rain water, snow, sleet. But sometimes the clouds not to rain at all. Besides the rain clouds also be the cause of lightning, hurricanes, and even tornadoes.
The process begins with the formation of cloud water dipanasai by sunlight. Then the water transformed into water vapor (evaporates). The mass of water vapor that is smaller than the air causes it to rise into the atmosphere. Finally, the collected moisture and clumping in the sky.
Clouds move because it is driven by the wind. The form is also not fixed (dynamic). Therefore, the cloud has become a symbol of freedom for some people, especially young children. The air temperature is very influential in changing the form of clouds.

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