Thursday, June 9, 2011

Mars, Wait Us !

Some science fiction film tells of human life on other planets. They conquered the environment that virtually uninhabitable earth beings with the technology they are very modern. They formed a settlement, organization, up to a country. They also communicate with the natives and the neighboring planet. For now, it's still a dream for mankind. But it is not likely to materialize in the future. Because the earth needs a friend to share the task of accommodating human populations continue to increase. And the scientists chose Mars.
Mars is the planet Earth's neighbor, a distance of 78.34 million kilometers from Earth. To go to Mars takes about 9 months. Mars has similarities with the Earth's geological circumstances. Volcano, the former regional water sweep, microscopic life beneath the ice sheet, large craters, up to a dry lake. But Mars is not Earth. There are some striking differences between Mars to Earth. Average temperature reaches minus 63 degrees Celsius. Space Radiation in the tens to 2000 milirad per day. With such a radiation dose, spinal cord will be damaged and within 4-5 weeks of humans will die. The radiation comes from the Sun, Cosmic Rays, or other stars who can not afford dammed Martian magnetic field whose strength is low. The thin Martian atmosphere also plays a role in the high radiation. But Mars remains the choice of the experts compared to seven other planets in the Solar System.
Currently scientists are preparing for the landing of humans to Mars plans. It is estimated that this mission will be accomplished in the 2035 to 2040. But according to Director General of the European Space Agency (ESA), Jean Jaques Dordain, landing humans to Mars is not the same as humans to the moon landing. in this case, international cooperation is needed because of the expensive cost of this mission is the biggest obstacle. NASA is the agency's superpowers, the United States, was forced to discontinue their shuttle flights starting next year. They will send astronauts to leave him at the Russian Space Agency (Roskosmos) or private companies.
Besides the costs, which will prepare astronauts to Mars landing mission is also troublesome. Astronauts must be separated from the life of the earth for approximately 2 years. On June 3, 2010 - 5 November 2011, Russian Institute of Biomedical Problems (IBMP) in collaboration with the Directorate of ESA manned flight to simulate the isolation astronauts to Mars on a mission trip to the round-trip for 520 days. Rohanio their physical state and continue to be monitored.

Private Development

Aerospace company predicted to be dominated private property in the future. One example is Virgin Galactic. Virgin Galactic space tourism offers to people with thick pockets and will start sending tourists in 2012. With a ticket price of U.S. $ 200,000, a person can enjoy adventure travel in space. This price is much smaller than the money paid to the first space tourist, Dennis Tito, in 2001. While other companies sorts Bigelow Aerospace, plans to build the first private space station in 2014 to 2020. The station planned to replace the International Space Station (ISS) who will soon retire.
A number of private airlines are planning to build a small settlement (colony) on the Moon. If colonization is a reality, the facility could become the location of transit to Mars. To refuel or to set flight time utilizing gravity of Mars. With the transit point, the fuel can be saved and the safety of astronauts awake. In addition, the two satellites of Mars Phobos and Deimos is also proposed as a transit. Transit becomes very important because that will be flown to Mars is a vehicle that size space station today.
"The biggest challenge to land a manned spacecraft on Mars is flying spacecraft for space station that exists today, land him in Mars, and back to Earth," said Doug Cooke (Associate Administrator for Exploration Systems Mission Directorate of NASA)

Reveal the Secrets of The Solar System Through Vesta and Ceres

3.5 years is not a short time. 4.8 billion kilometers rather than short distances. But in reality, the Dawn spacecraft's Aviation and Space Agency or NASA United States has approached Vesta with a distance of 1.21 million kilometers, as announced NASA. "When the Dawn orbiting Vesta, it will provide information on celestial bodies for 2 centuries known only as points of light alone", said Chairman of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA engineers, Marc Rayman on Tuesday (May 3, 2011). If all plans go smoothly, the engine driver of a vehicle will diaktifan to enter orbit Vesta on 16 July. When Dawn entered the height of 16,000 kilometers from the surface of Vesta, Dawn will be arrested gravity Vesta. The plan, Dawn will orbit diving 1 year. Sharing equipment at the Dawn will collect various data about the asteroid's shape is like topography, chemical components, surface texture, and the force of gravity. After Vesta, the next research goal is to Ceres.

Dawn is launched at Cape Canaveral (Florida, USA) on September 27, 2007. Dawn's mission is to collect data from the two largest asteroids in the asteroid belt (an area rich in asteroids between Mars and Jupiter). Dawn is equipped with a camera, gamma ray detectors, neutron detectors, and spectrometers. When Dawn reaches a sufficient distance such as the current ideal, all equipment will be activated and controlled from earth. The camera as a navigation aid at the same time ensure the position of Vesta so that guide the navigation of the Earth to determine the path into orbit from Vesta Dawn.

Vesta and Ceres is the largest asteroid. Both have a lot of information is expected to be a big clue in understanding the initial creation of the Solar System, so that the experts chose as the object of research. According to Deputy Chief of NASA's Dawn Mission Researcher Carol Raymond, asteroids material describes the raw materials of the Solar System. Plus, the position of the asteroid belt is expected to explain the differences in character with lanet outer planets because of its position that the separation between the planets in (terrestrial) with the outer planets (Jovian). This study also expected to help understand the origin of life on Earth because the chemical composition of asteroids is more primitive than the Earth. Raymond added, life on Earth is thought to have originated from other life in the past. The collision between the Earth with asteroids in millions of years ago, allegedly triggered the transfer of organic material from sateroid to Earth until forming life on Earth. But until now, experts have not found a link how non-organic matter in the universe turned into organic material promoting the development of living organisms on Earth.

Vesta is called protoplanetary or planetary baby. Vesta is one - the only asteroid known to have the dark-bright like the Moon. Vesta is known to have ancient lava flows and giant kwah shows that Vesta has a geological activity such as Mars and Earth This is obtained from the Hubble Space Telescope image out of 1994. Geological activity like that almost was not found in other asteroids. Findings erode the human perception of asteroids that were previously only seen the rest - the rest of planet formation in the past. This is confirmed Earth-based spectroscopic data that show the character of basaltic rocks Vesta indicating lava flows have occurred on the surface of Vesta. Vesta's core of molten rock that is expected to be created from a collection of radioactive dust from a nearby supernova explosion. Radioactive material to make the core melt Vesta. As a result of material in asteroids are divided into 2 parts, a heavier material near the core and more are on the surface rinagn. The structure is similar to parts of Vesta - the terrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) which plated. The surface of Vesta did not change until there is a grind and shape meteorid crater 459 kilometers wide. An astronomer University of Georgia (USA), Ben Zellner said, "Vesta has survived in its original form since the formation of the planet more than 4 billion years ago. He presents the evolution of the Solar System records a long and complicated."

Ceres since 2006 despite being classified as a dwarf planet is located in the asteroid belt. Ceres has a characteristic similar to the planet, just do not have a clear orbit. Ceres does not have a molten core like Vesta although its structure is also layered. Ceres surface sections contain ice that its content reaches 25%. Ceres properties similar to the nature of the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto).

Data and Facts

1. Ceres

Inventors: Giuseppe Piazzi (Italy)

Discovered: January 1, 1801 (the first asteroid discovered)

Dimensions: 975 kilometers x 909 kilometers

Shape: Round Egg (sefris)

Mass: 9.5 x 1020 kg

Revolution: 4 years 220 days

Rotation: 9 hours 4.5 minutes

The slope of the axis: 4-5 degrees

Maximum temperature: minus 38 degrees Celsius

2. Vesta

Inventors: Heinrich Wilhelm Olbers (Germany)

Discovered: 29 March 1807 (the fourth asteroid discovered)

Dimensions: 578 kilometers x 560 kilometers x 458 kilometers (4% of Earth)

Shape: Almost round egg

Mass: 2.75 to 2.99 x 1020 kg

Revolution: No data

Rotation: 5 hours 20 minutes

The slope of the axis: 7.133 degrees Celsius

Maximum Temperature: No data