Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Opening and Closing Notes

Time passed. No one can stopped it. Nothing seemed, finally arrived at the end of 2009. All of you have experienced in the 2009 has been stored and recorded in memory and notes, along with the memory and notes of the years before. So what was the most memorable thing for you in the 2009 ? Or do you like in general from the year 2008 ? Is there something can be in the year 2009 ?
Calm down for a moment, let yor body and mind relaxed. Do not engaged in activities that are less useful for a while. Because at the end of this year is a good time to reflect, remember, and rethinking everything we have done, naturally, and gain in 2009. We have our own self-correting-each and take advantage of everything that happens. Especially every mistake we make and the failures that we experience. Then, we prepare a plan for 2010 to live with ripefor the past mistake are not repeated in 2010. With this we can look in 2010 with great joy, hope, enthusiasme, and optimism.
Tomorrow should be better than yesterday.

Happy New year 2010